Now a days everybody using Credit cards. Its mandatory/need to use online purchases and shopping maals and restarents.
Online Shopping:
Before buying any product online, your browser should be open in InPrivate browsing mode (For IE: Ctrl +Shift + P) (For Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P).
Then do your shopping happily.
Shopping Maals:
You always keep eye on your credit card. Some times happen, may get chances to clone your cards. And always check your online Credit card account by weekly or montly.
When you pay bill at restarents, do not give your credit card to bearer. Or else you go along with him. Here may chances to track your card details.
Better to hide CVV number to reduce risk when you forgot anywhere. Alternatively some banks are providing insurance for Credit cards.
Do not use more than one credit card at a time. Becuase you can able lose tracking on it. And it may impact on payments.
Online Shopping:
Before buying any product online, your browser should be open in InPrivate browsing mode (For IE: Ctrl +Shift + P) (For Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P).
Then do your shopping happily.
Shopping Maals:
You always keep eye on your credit card. Some times happen, may get chances to clone your cards. And always check your online Credit card account by weekly or montly.
When you pay bill at restarents, do not give your credit card to bearer. Or else you go along with him. Here may chances to track your card details.
Better to hide CVV number to reduce risk when you forgot anywhere. Alternatively some banks are providing insurance for Credit cards.
Do not use more than one credit card at a time. Becuase you can able lose tracking on it. And it may impact on payments.
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